
The recipe for pizza of Enzo Coccia
Enzo Coccia is the owner of the tiny and charming pizzeria “La Notizia” in the homeland of this street food, Naples
The cuisine of Don Alfonso 1890
Don Alfonso 1890 in Sant'Agata sui Due Golfi Ernesto Iaccarino is among the restaurants of Sorrento Peninsula, a journey into modern Mediterranean cuisine.
Food and religion in Judaism
The kosher cuisine, dictated by the Kashrut Code, must follow specific rules. Food and religion that coexist in the Jewish feeding.
The Caudrina, Moscato d'Asti of Excellence
At Castiglione Tinella (CN) the Company La Caudrina of Romano Dogliotti created a really interesting triad of Moscato d'Asti.
Dry Wine Bele Casel
The Asolo Dry Superior DOCG Colfòndo of the company Bele Casel is alive and surprises at every sip
Fish Recipes from the Antica trattoria Sorrento
Among the recipes of great chefs will offer one with seafood of the chef Nunzio Spagnuolo of the Antica trattoria Sorrento 1930
The anthropology of food by Alessandra Guigoni
"The anthropology of the food and of the drink" Alessandra Guigoni (Editions Altravista) analyzes the food and wine, from weaning to the ethnography of smell.
The Moscato d'Asti of Alessandro Boido
In Santo Stefano Belbo (CN), the company Ca’d Gal of Alessandro Boido produces a Moscato d'Asti Vigna Vecchia very intriguing with the oysters.
The Top Chefs Emerging from the South
The Award for Best Chef Emerging form the South is a wonderful opportunity to discover the best promises of the Italian cuisine of the south. Thanks to Luigi Cremona, Italiasquisita collaborator
FrancoFiore: the tradition into the future
FrancoFiore producing porcelain for quality cuisine. Born by the will of Lamberto Perego from the tradition of Tiche, the Italian leader in artistic porcelain.
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