
Gino Pedrotti and the Santo Trentino Wine!
The Santo Trentino DOC Wine, production of the farm Gino Pedrotti, is a good "noble" wine obtained by Nosiola grapes.
Palladian dinners to rediscover the authentic flavor of Vicenza
From late June to mid-October: four dinners, in the villas of Palladio (Vicenza), based on local products of Vicenza
A tasty Recipe for the summer at the Collina Restaurant
Great desserts recipes: raspberry parfait of the chef Mario Cornali
Tasting an Aleatico of Elba at the Ilio Hotel
Among the hotels of Elba Island, Hotel Ilio offers a route of taste really special. Raisins wine tasting with a base of Aleatico and Ansonica.
Planet For Life: the solidary aperitif to help Africa
For the third consecutive year restart Planeta For Life starts, the Planeta initiative in collaboration with the Community of Sant'Egidio
Restaurants in Naples? Taverna Estia 100%
Among the restaurants in Naples, the Taverna Estia of Brusciano Mario and Francesco Sposito conquer the souls of the guests with their exciting Neapolitan cuisine.
Cinemadivino 2010: great films can be tasted in the cellar
From mid-June to September will take place the seventh edition of "cinegustologica": 64 nights spread over five provinces in Emilia and Romagna
Rudina Arapi is the best sommelier AIS Florence 2010
Rudina Arap is the young winner of the first contest of the best Florentine sommelier organized by AIS Florence
FEDERDOC: information for all on quality wine
There are 100 wineries and restaurants of Florence, Bologna and Rome that have joined the initiative FEDERDOC
Summer Wines by Luca Gardini
Luca Gardini of the restaurant Cracco from Milan recommends us the best wines for the summer heat of this year. And Carlo Cracco has fun.
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