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by Redazione italiaSquisita in
Il giovane chef di Casa Leali si è aggiudicato l’ambito titolo di “Chef Emergente d’Italia 2018”, premio conferito annualmente a un solo Chef d’Italia.

by Redazione Inglese in Homepage
Thursday, October 28th, 2010 will take place the appetizer "Peccati di Gola Charm of the autumn" at Villa Quaranta Park Hotel

by Redazione Inglese in Homepage
The Santo Trentino DOC Wine, production of the farm Gino Pedrotti, is a good "noble" wine obtained by Nosiola grapes.

by Redazione Inglese in Homepage
Among the restaurants of Lake Garda the Grand Hotel Villa Feltrinelli in Gargnano and its chef Stefano Baiocco light dishes with incredible aromatic herbs.
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