Articoli Correlati

by Redazione Inglese in Homepage
From 10th to 13th of December 2010 in Tortona, Milan, will take place DolceMilano

by Redazione Inglese in Homepage
Norbert Niederkofler of the Restaurant St. Hubertus in San Cassiano (BZ) narrates the delicious events of the next Chef's Cup in January 2011 in Alta Badia.
Tag: san cassiano, food events

by Redazione Inglese in Homepage
Unmissable events at the Salone del Gusto 2010, October 21st to 25th, one of the most important events in Turin in the food and wine sector of Italy

by Redazione Inglese in Homepage
Also this year, at the Merano Wine Festival 2010, not only famous signature wines, but also great Italian chefs at the GourmetArena.

by Redazione Inglese in Homepage
Among the food and wine events in the province of Modena, "To Be Lambrusco" in Castelvetro of Modena to play and appreciate the divine Lambrusco.

by Redazione Inglese in Homepage
Among the farm holidays in Puglia, Mario Ottaviano of Trabucco in Peschici presents some culinary events to discover the Gargano secret.
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