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by Redazione italiaSquisita in Chef
Al Finger’s Garden di Milano, la cucina nippo-brasiliana sposerà quella italiana dando luogo a un’esperienza inedita che avrà come protagonisti Roberto Okabe e Claudio Sadler.
Tag: roberto okabe, Finger’s Garden
by Redazione Inglese in Homepage
Taste of Milan. The Sempione Park, from 23 to 26 of September 2010, will be transformed into the largest ever temporary restaurant set up in the city, with 12 of the best restaurants in Milan for the first time together and to propose to all lovers of good food and haute cuisine unique gourmet experience.
Tag: yoshikazu ninomiya, ticketone, the park restaurant - park hyatt milan, the liberty, taste of milan, taste of london, roberto okabe, restaurant sadler, restaurant cracco, restaurant bianca, osaka e finger’s, matteo torretta, haute cuisine, great chefs, filippo gozzoli, d’o, cooking classes, andrea provenzana appointments milan, alice restaurant, aimo moroni
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