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by Redazione Inglese in Homepage
Saturday, November 13, 2010 there was a stellar evening at Spaltenna Castle: "Autumn at the Castle", starring five great chefs of Campania Gold

by Redazione Inglese in Homepage
Saturday 11 and Sunday, December 12, 2010 will be held "Chef at Theatre", with the aim of rediscovering typical products of the Romagna area.

by Redazione Inglese in Homepage
Recipes haute cuisine: “Potatoes ravioli stuffed with pecorino with pomegranate, bacon, sage and nuts”

by Redazione Inglese in Homepage
Among the main fish recipes, the chef Andrea Canton shows an easy and delicious dish: Mille-feuille of Marano Cuttlefish

by Redazione Inglese in Homepage
Berardino Lombardo and his farm-restaurant in Terre di Conca Caianello (EC). Here is his recipe for broccoli pesto with sheep cheese!

by Redazione Inglese in Homepage
Haute cuisine recipes. Curly puff pastry and shortbread

by Redazione Inglese in Homepage
"AlessiTab" is the digital whiteboard created from the collaboration between Alessi and Promelit and entrusted to the creativity of designer Stefano Giovannoni

by Redazione Inglese in Homepage
"The veal and tuna” video-recipe of Marcello Trentini, restaurant Magorabin, Turin

by Redazione Inglese in Homepage
Among the recipes that have as ingredients the cherries we suggest: scampi fillets marinated with cherries on rocket and valerian

by Redazione Inglese in Homepage
Chefs’ recipes of Marcantonio Sagramoso for Tenuta Sant'Antonio: here is the recipe for Amarone cuttlefish. Tasty and easy!
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