- oranges
- avocado
- beet
- broccoli
- khaki
- artichokes
- thistles
- chicory with large leaves
- cauliflower
- cabbages
- brussels sprouts
- cedars
- turnip greens
- onions
- coast
- herbs
- fennel
- endive
- Italian kiwis
- Brazilian lettuce
- clementine
- tangerines
- apples
- Winter melons
- walnuts
- sweet potatoes
- pistachios
- leeks
- radicchio
- turnips
- salsify
- Verona celery
- spinach
- dandelion
- truffles
- Jerusalem artichokes
- lettuce (or Songino or hen)
- cabbage
- pumpkins
Winter: seasonal foods
Always useful, a small handbook of the seasonal food of winter, to avoid mistakes in buying or choose what is good to eat now. To be printed and kept with you.
Despite the cold, snow and chill wind, winter offers fruit and vegetables at will. As usual, to choose foods in season is better from the quality and price point of view. The recipes of the season can only be good! And so here is the list of foods of the season of winter: