- The Easter eggs Amedei in Pontedera (Pisa)
- 100% chocolate Domori None (Torino)
- The gianduiotti of Gobino (Turin)
- The gianduiotti of Peyrano (Turin)
- The "kiss of Cherasco" of Barbero, in Cherasco (Cuneo)
- The " Alè salà " of Vacchieri Rivalta (Turin). Chocolates with savory of tomato sauce and oregano, with chickpeas and rosemary, with pistachios and corn, potatoes and herbs
- The cracks with fresh spices of La Molina in Quarrata Pistoia. Chocolates with Mediterranean flavours such as sage, rosemary, Tuscan spices and fennel
- The tablets flavored with spices and tea of De Bont in Pistoia
- Cinnamon tablets Romanengo (Genoa)
- The napolitaines smoked of Offelleria Rizzati (Ferrara)
- Torta Barozzi pastry Gollini in Vignola (Modena)
- The salt tablet or with cheese L'Artigiano in Forli
- Chocolate aniseed BruCo in Jesi (Ancona)
- The Boers fruit of Moriondo & Gariglio Rome
- The chocolate bars 70, 80 and 90% of Ancient Dolceria Bonajuto in Modica (Ragusa)
- The Clementine and the Orange Fillets with chocolate of Maglio in Maglie (Lecce)
- The 'ndujotti Vibonesi Mandaradoni of Vibo Valentia. Chocolate shell pralines and cream Calabrian 'nduja, pasta filled with sausage chili.
- The marron glacé chocolate Giovanni Galli in Milan
- The Nugatelli of Giraudi in Castellazzo Bormida (Alexandria). Nougat covered with chocolate
- Almonds of Avola in Monsummano Terme (Pistoia). Thin Avola Almonds covered with fine milk chocolate

The super Italian chocolate from the craft chocolate factory
Antica Dolceria Bonajuto, Amedei, Domori are some of the important names, but they are not the only ones. The gianduiotti, the Torta Barozzi, cinnamon tablets and even Calabrian nduja between gourmet palates.
Italian chocolate as the Belgian or South American? Certainly. Indeed, even good and sophisticated, thanks to the work of exhaustive Italian artisan chocolate. Antica Dolceria Bonajuto, Amedei, Domori are some of the important names, but they are not the only ones. The gianduiotti, the Torta Barozzi, cinnamon tablets and even Calabrian nduja between gourmet palates. Thanks to the advice of gastronaut Davide Paolini, here is list the top twenty of delicious Italian chocolate bon bon.