
The history of wine according to the pharmacologists Paolo Nencini
"Drunkenness and sobriety in the Ancient World" by Paolo Nencini, published by Muzzio, tells the story of wine from Prehistory to Christianity.
What and especially how were drinking our illustrious Greek-roman ancestors? The book "Drunkenness and sobriety in the ancient world" of the erudite pharmacologist Paul Nencini, clarifies all the historical and cultural doubts. From Prehistory to the first beer of the Egyptians, through the Greeks bacchanal and the Latin symposia, to get gently to the consecration of the holy drink, the Christianity. And then there are stories of fermented honey, one-eyed giant Polyphemus wine, the Etruscan games based on unstable stunts due to the large quantities of alcohol, the remedies for impotence from alcohol to more. The writer gives in these pages the history of wine, food and drink modern anthropology and especially careful reflections on drinking knowingly wine and beer. This is an ethic history of wine in a few words, but in a really enjoyable way.
"Drunkenness and sobriety in the ancient world"
Published by Muzzio
Italian Language
334 pages
22 euro