
The Egg Kok by Aldo Buzzi

The egg kok by Aldo Buzzi, published by Adelphi Press, is a wonderful essay on the culinary culture of Italy.
Although this book has almost thirty years, we could speak about its literary value for a few centuries because of its culinary ramblings so crisp and succulent. You cannot define a handbook among many cookbooks, but a true paper of the recipe books: tales of fantasy, the etymology of the white sauce, the history of espresso on the rocks, the Latinity of the first true gourmet chef Marco Gavio Apicio are only some of the many topics covered. The jokes abound, as do the traditional Italian recipes. "The egg kok" by Aldo Buzzi is a fundamental text of gastronomic literature, one of those classic books that are read every summer under an umbrella or in front of a breathtaking landscape of Salento and South Sardinia. Aldo Buzzi is an intellectual, cinema writer and gourmand; is a character that everyone appreciates in this culture, and that in this inedited role of gourmet novelist amazes throw simplicity and wisdom. A book to read, eating it. "The egg kok" Adelphi Publisher Italian Language 163 pages 11 euro

By: Redazione Inglese / 3 luglio 2010


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