
The anthropology of food according to Tom Standage
Looking for someone or something that explains the history and anthropology of food? Here is "An edible history of humanity”, the new book by Tom Standage.
Looking for someone or something that explains the history and anthropology of food? That is when the man went from hunting to agriculture, or as the Mediterranean diet changed after the discovery of America and its very special fruit such as tomatoes and potatoes? Here, the book "An edible history of humanity" by Tom Standage recounts all these events, crucial to know the tastes of man through the passage of time. From the ancient Romans to steam, our way of seeing the food is really changed? Or there are common traces of ancestry and creative cuisine of GMOs? The anthropology of food has never been so simple and really all, including chefs, can have access to information of the past. To know, especially, the future of the kitchen.
"An edible history of humanity"
Published by Codice
Italian Language
245 pages
24 euro