- apricots
- cherries
- watermelons
- asparagus
- beet
- Chard
- chicory with large leaves
- cabbages
- cucumbers
- clove
- Chicory
- cherries
- white onions
- yellow and red onions
- baby onion
- cress
- herbs
- beans
- green beans
- fava bean
- figs
- fennel
- zucchini flowers
- strawberries
- jujube
- endive
- raspberries
- lettuce (Roman, curly, red)
- sweet corn
- almonds
- Parasol mushroom
- pomegranates
- Eggplant
- apples
- quince
- melons
- blueberries
- blackberry
- Japanese medlar
- hazelnuts
- hot peppers
- peppers
- peaches
- nectarines
- peas
- pistachios
- tomatoes
- Porcini
- leeks
- prataiolo or champignon
- prunes
- bitter roots
- turnips
- radishes
- currant
- Verona celery
- spinach
- jackdaws
- grape
- pumpkins
- zucchini

Summer: seasonal food
Seasonal fruits, vegetables and foods of the season. Finally summer's here!
Seasonal fruits, seasonal vegetables, and every year instead we fall into the trap of the greenhouses. Foods in season are important to save and follow the goodness of nature. Summer is here, and this is why our seasonal recipes will have as base Italian fruits and vegetables, with the taste of the summer. Here is the list of foods of the summer season: