
Italy and the craft beer

That craft beers were the visiting card of Belgium was established for centuries, but the tradition of the brewers had been imported with excellent results in Italy is a truly astonishing fact. Started perhaps as a joke, perhaps as a personal passion, the craft brewing has developed with great interest especially in the Centre-North, and thanks to the enterprising spirit of the young gourmet drinkers. First the beer Baladin (www.baladin.it) that thanks to Teo Musso has reached very high organoleptic levels. His research, collaborations, and pairings with the dishes of the great chefs brought the beer Piozzo (CN) to be considered one of the excellences of our country. The XYAUYU has to be tried with the foie gras! Remaining in the north, in Sgonico (TS), the brewery Cittavecchia (www.cittavecchia.com) gave “freshness" to its production; the beers are unpasteurized and unfiltered. Are natural (clear, red, formidable and weizen) and stands for the Christmas atmosphere the San Nicolò, designed for the feast under the tree. In Roncole Verdi then, in the province of Parma, is the interesting Brewery Ducato (www.birrificiodelducato.it) that astounding with its wisdom, research and entrepreneurial spirit of young brewers. And we arrive to the center of Italy, San Cassiano Moriano (LU), and the Bruton Brewery. The Stoner and the Momus give intriguing sensations, one because it is nicely balanced, the other because it looks like a Belgian Trappist beer. The last pearl in this world of taste of beer is definitely the beer of Borgo (birradelborgo.it) in Borgorose (RI). Born from fun and passion while studying biochemistry, this brewery has got gradually a sense of professionalism and now produces Duchessa, Ducale and Genziana with a truly exceptional taste. Italian craft beers exists, masters brewers as well. And the chefs are willing to put on the menu these delicacies?


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