- It defines raw milk, the milk in its natural state, as it is produced by the cow, even before it is pasteurized and packaged. It is milk that had not undergone heat treatments: entire and genuine, tasty, creamy with many vitamins.
- The milk can be kept raw 2 days, 4 or 5 days if boiled (boiled it shortly after purchase)
- The sale of raw milk does not provide for compulsory purchase a liter, but you can buy an equivalent amount of milk to the coins inserted in the dispenser. If 1 liter of milk costs 1 euro, for 50 cents you can have half liter or even 20 cl inserting 20 cents.
- The distributor of raw milk is filled with daily frequency.

Increase the distributors of raw milk
A real boom of the bulk milk (over 20 outlets in Tuscany, 1200 throughout Italy) discovered by thousands of consumers
Progress the “Friendly Countryside” wanted by Coldiretti. A real boom of the bulk milk (over 20 outlets in Tuscany, 1200 throughout Italy) discovered by thousands of customers who line up at every hour of the day, facing the distributor of milk to ensure "the liter". Every day, 24 hours on 24, citizens from various Italian cities can go to the nice little wood houses, just as it does with coffee machines and soft drinks, insert coins (10, 20, 50 and 1 euro but also the paper and the possibility of rechargeable "key") to buy a liter with 1 euro (the container can be reused or directly purchased).
The objective of the raw milk ATMs is to ensure quality, savings and sure origin of the product. The consumer will save on average 40 to 60 cents (about 40%) through reduced intermediation. Important benefits for the environment, thanks to the glass bottle, which can be purchased and used several times (is recyclable). The savings assumes a double significance: the milk is cheaper and environmentally friendly.
Some useful information: