
Events in Turin: Terra Madre and Salone del Gusto 2010
It return the Salone del Gusto and Terra Madre, the two food events that will take place from 21st to 25th of October 2010
The two food events - biennial - the Salone Internazionale del Gusto and Terra Madre, will take place in Turin (Lingotto Fiere) 21st to 25th of October 2010. The international trade show, open to the public showcase of food and wine craft production, with its strong educational connotation, of awareness and debate, is held concurrently and in close contact with Terra Madre (Mother Earth), the world meeting of food communities , which brings together players in the food chain from 150 countries pledged to defend and promote environmental friendly production methods that are sensitive to natural resources, conservation of biodiversity and social justice. The theme of this year's Salone del Gusto is expressed in two words: one is "food", the other "territories". Were related to each other by two conventional signs, the 'more' and the 'equal', which tells us that the territory would not exist without food and that food is an expression of the territory. Territory conjugated at the plural, however, to highlight the diversity of places, cultures, knowledge, crops, and practices.
By: Redazione Inglese / 23 ottobre 2010