
Cookbooks: " La cucina quanto basta " by Sapo Matteucci

Unlike other cookbooks in this there are several different indexes at the end: you can find a recipe by ingredient, dish type and category of food.
"This book is designed as a puzzle, a Lego; its elements can be entirety dismantled and reassembled in many different ways.” Here is how the journalist Sapo Matteucci describes his new manual of taste, "Q.B. La cucina quanto basta ". Recipes, combinations, anecdotes, family histories, biographical prefaces of the greatest chefs of humanity: this assemblage of adventures greedily seized, seems to have hit the target. Each recipe is explained and detailed, then enriched by knowing daily tips and useful combinations with wine. Unlike other cookbooks in this there are several different indexes at the end: you can find a recipe by ingredient, dish type and category of food. Fries, vegetables and poultry are some topics that are examined very carefully in every detail. Wow, the concept of "enough" in the recipes will no longer be a problem! Q.B. La cucina quanto basta Published by Laterza Italian Language 235 pages EUR 10.50

By: Redazione Inglese / 18 luglio 2010


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