
Children's books: “Fame di pane”

“Fame di pane” is an illustrated book for children published by Slow Food Editor
Fame di pane, children's book, written by Giusi Guarenghi and Alessandra Mastrangelo and illustrated by Daniela Villa is part of the series Per mangiarti meglio (To eat better) of Slow Food Editor. The Slow Food Foundation dedicates this series to young readers, curious and enterprising, willing to get involved in tasting, games, experiments that will help them become true tasters, among discoveries, journeys and thousands of new flavors. The book Fame di pane is a colorful book in which, through stories, anecdotes, legends and games, is explained to younger readers how to make bread at home, the origin of this ancient food, the etymology of the word, the ingredients (from the wheat to the yeast), the linguistic variations to indicate the same food, essential on every table, and so on. In short, it is an excellent guide to approach the concepts of "home cooking", "respect for the territory" and "exploitation of raw materials", which for years now, Slow Food is committed to spread. “Fame di pane” Slow Food Editor Italian Language 70 pages 14.00 Euro

By: Redazione Inglese / 25 settembre 2010


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